What Is Hot Desk and What Are the Benefits?

coworking space
Date: Thu Mar 25 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Reimagining the traditional workspace

hot desking

Instead of committing to lengthy contracts that you are tied into for expensive office buildings, our hot desk rental gives you a cost effective and flexible alternative. Whether you are looking for a change of scenery, or a desk that is conveniently located, there will always be a hotdesk close by for you. Take a look at the new working ways of the future and see how our hot desk office space can be the perfect solution for your office needs.

What is Hot Desking?

Keeping up with the evolving workforce

what is a hot desk

The number of people using a hotdesk or working remotely are on the increase in recent years. It is an opportunity to reinvent the traditional idea of an office workplace, giving workers who would normally be remote working or home working the stability of a traditional work environment. It is quickly becoming the new normal. After the pandemic forced most of us to be working from home, businesses have realised that there is not much requirement for everyone to be commuting to the same office, therefore making hot desk rental look more appealing to a wider audience.

By taking one of the most expensive elements of running a business (office rental and the overheads it comes with) and turning it into a rental service, companies can maximise on their employee’s productivity. You no longer have to spend no time worrying about how to arrange desks to fit the space that you have. BlueDesks coworking offices do this for them. This leaves you and your business free to focus on your employees. Likewise, workers then get the tools and time to focus on the job and increase their productivity.

To put it simply, hot desk rental is renting a desk in a fully established office alongside other like-minded people. Unlike traditional offices, a hot desk office space consists of members and workers from all different trades and walks of life, resulting in a professional yet relaxed atmosphere that gives a real sense of community. BluDesks offers all the facilities that a normal office does, without being tied down. By using our one-time registration fee, you are free to explore hundreds of office spaces all over the world!

Who would use hot desk office space?

hot desk rental

Hot desking can be used by everyone, from single remote workers and freelancers right up to large companies who need a meeting space. Whilst the option is open to any professional who requires office space, hot desk rental usually attracts similar types of workers such as:

  • Consultants
  • Freelancers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Remote workers

Using a hotdesk is a flexible, cost effective solution to finding an office space. It can help workers to combat the isolation of working from home and allows you to network and socialise like you would not normally do. Hot desk rental is also a brilliant way for those who are self-employed and travelling to various locations for their work to be able to find and book a desk whilst travelling all over the country for when you need to plug in and focus or meet with customers on a professional basis. No more video calls for clients who live far away!

Hot desk rental in a coworking space can also help growing companies. Imagine if you found your perfect employee but they lived too far away to commute? BluDesks offers the perfect solution with their hotdesk option. Your new employee can work remotely in an office environment without being at home with distractions or relocating.

What are the benefits?

hot desk benefits

Without doubt one of the top reasons to be using a hotdesk is the flexibility and freedom that comes with it. Some self-employed or freelancers don’t rigidly stick to the typical 9-5 so you can choose as and when you want to rent the desk, with monthly or hourly pricing. This means that you don’t overpay for how much you use, and you can work on your terms without worrying about costs.

Cost Effectiveness
It also comes in handy for those companies or are rapidly expanding, or downsizing. It allows you to take on more employees and use hot desk office space, without forking out for new office desks and chairs or upgrading to a larger office with a long lease. Hot desking has been shown to reduce the running costs of businesses by as much as 30%. With no overheads to be worrying about, and your employees happy and comfortable with their office space, you can focus on the more important things!

Opportunities to network
Being based outside of your company and the traditional office means that you interact and meet more people. By using a hotdesk, you can essentially help your business to grow by meeting people you never would have normally met. Enjoy socialising with like minded people from all different trades and discover ideas and inspirations that you never thought possible.

Communication and collaboration
When you choose to hotdesk, you have a different neighbour every day. Whether that be interacting with other departments from your own company, or someone completely new, the constant stream of new people really opens up opportunities, ideas and perspectives. Tell a coworker your new ideas over a coffee or meet potential new clients – the possibilities are endless!

Perks of the Office Spaces
Why pay for long contracts for basic needs? Our hot desk office spaces are all fully equipped with stylish and ergonomic office furniture, high speed internet and cool break out areas for when you need a timeout or catch up. As well as free coffees and a food delivery service option, what’s not to love!

Tidy space, tidy mind
The very nature of hot desk rental means that once you are finished using your desk, you leave it clear ready for the next person to use. Instead of cluttering up your desk by leaving papers, knick-knacks and personal items, you return each day to a clean and tidy workspace ready to start your day!

Keeping it Fresh
Release yourself from the monotony of returning to the same office desk (at home or at the head office!) and keep it fresh. Don’t fall into the same routine day in and day out – a hotdesk keeps you on your toes with a different desk, or even location if that takes your fancy!

With BluDesks offering hot desk office spaces all over the UK and even globally, you will not be far away from us! This means if you are travelling for work or working remotely you will always be close to pop in and use our facilities. This makes it the perfect solution wherever you are. BluDesks makes it easy and simple to find a hotdesk wherever you are. Download our app and enter your location to rent a hotdesk. This, plus our one-time registration fee means that you will never be caught short.

Hot Desking is more than just renting a desk for an hour. With BluDesks, you get a whole different experience. You get flexibility and low costs, with the use of a fully equipped office and stylish furniture, as well as access to top of the range facilities and full use of amenities. Take the edge off a monotonous office job and sign up for the future of office work now!

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