The Benefits of Coworking Spaces As Satellite Offices

Date: Mon May 30 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Businesses that take advantage of coworking spaces to create satellite offices can use this service to their benefit. A number of research studies have shown time and again that firms utilising coworking space thrive.

Both employers and employees are benefiting from coworking spaces. In the current paradigm, coworking spaces give employees working from home the opportunity to use equipment typically associated with offices together with convenient locations to hold a meeting.

Now that employees have returned to the office, the benefits they enjoyed from remote working are gone. According to YouGov, 60% of employees in the UK want to continue remote working.  On the flip side, businesses benefit when they can bring teams together.

To compromise, a large number of businesses are switching to a hybrid model. Utilising coworking space to as satellite offices helps to make hybrid working even easier – and offer more benefits to both employers and employees.

Convenience and Flexibility

Coworking spaces give workers more flexibility to split their time between home and office. Stationing employees in satellite offices that are conveniently located closer to their home that your headquarters helps them to manage their time more efficiently.

Not only do satellite offices give your employees the flexibility to reach the office conveniently, it also makes it easier to just drop in from time to time. Maybe they need to use something in the office, like a photocopier, they were passing and wanted to say ‘hi’ or they spent the night in a different part of town (sleepovers) and will find it easier to work from an office that is closer  to where they wake up.

Help to Manage Work-Life Balance

Happy employees are productive employees. And now your team has experienced remote working, they recognise the value of spending more time with their families, avoid commuting and spending less money.

Research has shown that the average cost savings of working from home is £44.78 a week. Cost savings come from commuting less and not buying lunch every day. If employees live closer to the office they are working from commutes and fuel costs are lower.

This is particularly the case for employees in London. According to Totaljobs, 76% of employees said they will quit their jobs if getting to the office requires a long commute. Using coworking spaces as satellite offices could therefore save businesses the cost of replacing employees – which is estimated to cost an average £12,000 per employee – between 6-9 months of the employees salary.

Raise ESG Score

Enabling employees to commute less should also help to improve your company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) score. With ESG scores having such a significant impact on consumer purchasing decision – especially environmentally conscious individuals – boosting your score in the environment section could pay dividends.

Commuting less means employees will consume less fuel. A satellite office also gives you more potential to organise meetings in locations that are closer for attendees to reach.

BluDesks makes it easy for companies to take advantage coworking spaces by offering you a wide range of offices all over London – with one simple sign-up and login.

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