Why Coworking Space Should Be Included In Your Annual Operating Plan

Date: Mon Sep 5 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

It looks increasingly likely that UK business owners will be searching for cost-effective solutions to include in their Annual Operating Plan (AOP) this winter. According to the Bank of England, the UK is heading for a recession.

England’s central bank has revealed that the 13% surge in energy prices will bring the average household energy bill in the UK up to £3500 this year. The increase in living costs will prompt consumers to curb their spending.

A decline in spending is not good news for business owners that are already feeling the pinch from hefty office leases, an increase in cost for raw materials and higher utility bills.

One solution to significantly cut your operating costs is to let go of the expensive office lease and take advantage of cost-effective coworking spaces.

However, entering a long-term contract with a coworking space that only offers fixed monthly payments may not necessarily enable you to free up cash flow either.

Why PAYG Coworking Spaces Provide Cost-Effective Solutions

Having spoken with multiple business owners in London that have adopted a hybrid model, it’s apparent that many companies are holding on to office space they are not using.

According to a survey conducted by Consultancy Advanced Workplace Associates, UK employees spend an average of 1.5 days in the office a week. 13% of workers only call in on Fridays.

This is money down the drain that could be put to better use.

The smart solution is to take advantage of coworking spaces that offer a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) program. With BluDesks, you can book private offices and meeting rooms by the hour – so you only pay for the space you use when you need it.

PAYG coworking spaces help to alleviate the financial burden and plan your operating costs by enabling you to manage your budget closely. You also get access to amenities and facilities you would expect from a fully-functioning office.

Coworking spaces also eliminate utility bills. And the rising costs of energy will suck up even more revenue from small businesses in the foreseeable future. It’s barely worth turning the heating on if there’s hardly anybody using the office.

Flexible Office Spent You Can Rent By The Hour

With more UK firms switching to a hybrid model, access to coworking spaces makes sense. Not only from a financial point of view but also to give your employees more flexibility.

Remote workers will occasionally need access to office facilities such as a photocopier or scanner. Rather than making the hour-long commute to your central office, they could book a desk for an hour in a coworking office 19 minutes from their home.

Not only are PAYG coworking spaces less costly, but they are also more convenient. And BluDesks go one step further by providing access to hundreds of coworking spaces from a central portal.

With a single membership, you can book private offices and meeting rooms by the hour anywhere in the UK. For businesses that need to cut costs, BluDesks could provide a solution that helps you to navigate the recession.

Cut Business Overheads With Coworking Space

Date: Tue Aug 30 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Surging energy prices, increased living costs and an uptick in office rental fees have put the squeeze on employers and employees. To make matters worse, economists are predicting a prolonged period of stagflation to hit the UK in the second half of 2022.

Utility bills have already increased by 66% since October 2021. If proposed plans to add a further increase of 40-50% this coming October go through, the average cost of household energy bills will hit over £3600 a year. That’s more than double the cost of pre-pandemic energy prices.

The economic slowdown could have a devastating effect on small-to-medium-sized businesses. In the current climate, business owners will need to find solutions that enable them to reduce overheads and free up cash flow.

In times of economic pressure, cutting costs is always the first course of action. The unfortunate tool is to wield the axe on employees to ease the wage bill.

However, reducing your workforce also means you reduce your levels of production and, presumably, your revenue. Rather than slashing your wage bill, consider eliminating overheads associated with office rentals and rising utilities.

Cost-Effective Coworking Spaces

When you rent office space, you typically pay a ‘business rate’ for the lease which includes a property tax. On top of that, you are responsible for utility bills, maintenance, facilities and office running costs.

In addition, you typically have to rent out an entire office or floor, regardless of whether you’re using the space in its entirety. Oftentimes, businesses are paying for space they’re not even using.

If you’ve adopted a hybrid working model, paying for space you’re not using is noticeable. Furthermore, there may be a cost-effective solution with coworking office providers that charge you for the space you use when you use it.

Coworking spaces allow you to book offices and meeting rooms by the hour. This enables you to manage your costs and save money that is ordinarily wasted if you’re leasing office space via traditional methods.

Avoid the Costs of Downsizing

It’s understandable that some businesses are contemplating downsizing to a smaller office right now. But downsizing still involves unnecessary costs that can be avoided.

Searching for new premises, hiring movers, decorating and potentially paying crossover monthly rental and utility fees quickly racks up costs you could put to better use elsewhere in your business.

There’s a strong chance that the initial outlay of moving into a coworking space will be significantly lower than relocating.

Coworking Space Contracts

Some coworking space providers lock you into monthly or annual contracts. This typically involves paying for space and facilities that you may not need. Consequently, you may not reduce your costs as much as you hoped.

BluDesks give you the opportunity to book space by the hour. This means that you avoid overpaying for space you don’t need. It also allows you to set a monthly budget aside and manage your spending.

Furthermore, we have hundreds of coworking spaces for you to choose from. This makes it easier for your employees to find a coworking space that is conveniently located close to their homes.

As a result, your employees will reduce the costs involved in getting to work in the city and use less energy at home.

Contact us today and find out if we can help you lower your business overheads.

Hybrid Work & Co-Working Spaces: The New Normal?

Date: Wed Aug 17 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

As unprecedented as the Covid-19 pandemic was, so were the business trends in the fallout. Once lockdown restrictions were lifted, 85% of British workers didn’t want to return to the office.

The hybrid working model provides benefits to both employers and employees. Given the flexibility to work part-time from home and the rest of the time in the office, employees have the work-life balance they crave together with the autonomy to choose where and when they work and save money.

Businesses also have an opportunity to save money by downsizing offices. By transitioning to a hybrid model, there is less requirement to rent office space to house an entire workforce.

There are two ways to downsize; rent a smaller office from a commercial landlord, or rent flexible coworking space which gives you the flexibility to rent the space when you need it.

Given the increase in office rental prices and utilities, co-working spaces are becoming the most cost-effective and preferred option for numerous businesses.

However, office managers should be wary about the nature of the contract you are entering into with coworking spaces. It can be the case, that you pay for services or office space you don’t need.

BluDesks has designed a business model most other co-working spaces do not offer. Firstly, we provide you with a portal to multiple co-working environments in the city where you live.

Secondly, our facilities are based on a pay-as-you-go basis which means you only pay for the space you use. Ordinarily, you are paying for space you are not using. The BluDesks model enables you to manage your office costs accurately – and save even more money.

What to expect from coworking spaces with BluDesks?

BluDesks offer affordable and flexible coworking spaces in London and across the UK. That means no matter where your employees need to work, they have easy access to a co-working space with all the amenities you can expect from a fully-functioning office. Because of the choices available, your team can book whichever workspace suits their needs. For example, you will be able to find a conveniently located meeting room for a 1-2-1 and a small room for 3 or 4 people to brainstorm or a large meeting room to provide training or a presentation.

If your business relies on team collaboration, it may be more convenient and cost-effective for a colleague to meet in a location that is more convenient for them to reach than your main base.

As we discussed in a recent article, reducing the need for all your employees to commute helps to improve your ESG score. Co-working spaces also serve as a convenient option for employees who prefer to work in an office environment rather than working from home.

Whilst the number of UK businesses that have adopted a hybrid working model is still relatively low at 37%, the number will increase as more office rental contracts expire. With hybrid working environments set to become the new normal, business planners need to look ahead to determine how they can save costs.

Paying For Office Space You’re Not Using? Save Money On Coworking Space

Date: Mon Aug 15 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

The advancement of telecom technologies has made it possible to enable working from home and empower employees. In the post-pandemic era, the majority of employees don’t want to return to the office.

However, a large percentage of executives feel working in an office environment is invaluable. A raft of CEOs heading high-profile brands has publicly aired their opinions about the downside of remote working.

Andrew Bailey, the Bank of England chief, for example, called for more staff to return to the office to train new employees. Goldman Sachs boss David Solomon has labelled remote working an “aberration” and law firms are threatening to shave salaries by 20% to deter employees from working from home.

As a result, some companies are persisting with expensive office rentals in central locations. In the current climate, an increase in expenses will quickly erode company budgets and the purchasing power of your employees.

For firms operating out of central London, continuing to run your business from a Grade A office rental could stunt your growth. Rental prices in the West End average a jaw-dropping £117.50 per square metre – up from around £90 per square metre in Q3 of 2021.

Furthermore, if your offices are based on a commuter belt, the cost of fuel feels like a waste when you’re sitting in traffic. Frustration builds up stress which, in turn, impairs cognitive health and performance.

Hiring coworking spaces resolves all of these problems. Your teams can work together on projects without you bursting your budget, and with office space all over the UK at your fingertips, you have instant access to a whole host of conveniently located coworking spaces with a single login.

Cost-Effective Office Solutions

Switching from rented offices to coworking spaces enables companies to significantly reduce overhead. Rental costs are lower and you probably won’t pay as much on utilities because the bills are shared.

Moving forward there are minimal overheads. Coworking spaces are well-equipped with all the furniture and amenities including photocopiers, scanners, projectors and TV/audio equipment.

If you want to create a hub-and-spoke model, you can use coworking spaces to establish satellite offices – but without the cost of renting an entire office. With BluDesks, you book and pay by the hour – so there is no risk of paying for space you’re not using.

Coworking Satellite Offices

Signing up for a BluDesks membership takes coworking to another level by giving you more options to rent office space and meeting rooms wherever you prefer, whenever you want.

BluDesks hosts coworking spaces in multiple locations in the city you live. This gives employees more opportunities to work together in locations that are conveniently situated close to their homes.

You also have access to hundreds of meeting rooms, so if you need to book meeting rooms on an ad-hoc basis and need to find somewhere quickly, BluDesks reduced the time it takes to find a suitable location.

Alternatively, you can book in “de-facto” private offices by renting meeting rooms for 1 or 2 days per week at times that you dictate.

Working From Home vs Coworking Spaces – Know the New Normal!

Date: Mon Aug 8 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

The flexibility offered by hybrid working is prompting more businesses to adopt a different way of working. Data coming from the Office of National Statistics show the number of businesses adopting the hybrid model increased from 13% to 24% between February and March this year.

Other reports suggest that 8 in 10 UK firms are planning to switch to hybrid working. Yet the workforce is torn between working from home and working in the office. There are, of course, pros and cons to both options.

Advantages of Working From Home 

During the pandemic when companies were forced to send their employees home, it was noted that there was an uplift in productivity. This was due to a variety of reasons, but in general, working from home simply gives employees more time to focus on their work. Some remote workers also report they feel less stress.

The most notable benefit of working from home is they don’t have to commute. This saves employees invaluable time to spend with their family and friends and more money to engage in things they love to do.

Yet the home is not the best place for everyone to focus and be productive. Studies reveal that 61% of remote workers complain about feeling lonely and isolated. This impairs emotional well-being and impacts the ability to focus.

Another report indicates that 70 per cent of people working from home say combining work with the responsibilities of home life causes more stress. WFH employees with children and curious spouses cause them to lose their concentration whilst others are lured by the TV and the packet of biscuits in the cupboard.

Advantages of Coworking Space

Working in a professional environment can help to flick a switch in the minds of employees that are struggling to focus. Coworking spaces can help employees ‘start their motor’ in the morning.

There may also be a necessity to work in an office. Coworking spaces give you access to amenities most people don’t have at home together. There is also a built-in support system from teammates and other professionals that solves the problem of loneliness and isolation.

Balancing Costs

Some businesses find the cost of coworking spaces v working from home prohibitive. The general operating model of most shared office providers locks you into monthly contracts – and in most cases, you are paying for services you don’t use or need.

BluDesks resolve the issues of cost by offering pay-as-you-use coworking space and meeting rooms. With our business model, you have an easier time managing your business costs and organising your workforce. We also give you access to hundreds of coworking spaces all over the UK so your employees can choose an office that is most convenient for them.

With BluDesks, you book shared office space by the hour. So to manage your costs, all you need to do is set a budget and work within your limits. For more details, contact a member of our friendly team today, or simply sign up for a Corporate Membership.

Are You Paying For 30 Days of Shared Office Space And Only Working 10?

Date: Mon Aug 1 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Coworking spaces have proven to be extremely advantageous in helping businesses to navigate the various stages of the pandemic. Enterprises switching to a hybrid model in the post-pandemic era will continue to reap the benefits.

However, spending money on coworking spaces is not all roses and champagne. The vast majority of shared office providers lock users into fixed-term contracts – which means you usually pay for space and amenities you’re not using.

Our data shows that most companies adopting the hybrid model spend, on average, about 10 days a month in the office. This figure is calculated from the number of hours users are physically present in the space they are paying for.

When you’re locked into a fixed-term contract you pay for 30 days a month no matter what. And coworking space contracts include broadband, various office facilities and any additional services you may have requested.

When you do the maths, it’s clear to see that businesses are overspending. In the current financial climate, throwing money at 20 days of nothing is a waste of resources you could put to better use.

Pay-As-You-Use Coworking Spaces

Today’s workers want flexibility and cost-effective solutions. For a company that has switched to hybrid working, pay-as-you-use coworking spaces tick all the boxes.

The pay-as-you-use coworking space model allows you to book office space and amenities by the hour. All you have to do is book the amount of time you want to spend in the office – and that’s all you pay for.

This high level of flexibility enables office managers to manage costs accurately. You can still accommodate staff members that are due in the office on any given day – but, crucially, you’re not overpaying for space.

Bludesks also takes flexibility one step further. We provide our users with a global pass which you can use to book office space anywhere in the world – with a single membership.

With BluDesks, you only ever need to log in and browse one website to get access to multiple private offices, hot desks and meeting rooms. This also means your employees can work in an office environment that is closer to their homes – which is better for their pocket and your ESG rating.

BluDesks Membership Pass

We don’t see the sense in forcing businesses and freelancers to pay for coworking space and amenities they are not using. It’s not fair on our clients – and you could use that money to help grow your business.

Our model is designed to make finding coworking office spaces, fast, convenient and easy. It also enables you to avoid paying for office space and amenities you’re not using.

The BluDesks personal membership and corporate membership passes give you instant access to thousands of coworking in one easy-to-use platform. You can book through our website or mobile app and pay as you go. It’s that simple.

The Benefits of Coworking Spaces As Satellite Offices

Date: Mon May 30 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Businesses that take advantage of coworking spaces to create satellite offices can use this service to their benefit. A number of research studies have shown time and again that firms utilising coworking space thrive.

Both employers and employees are benefiting from coworking spaces. In the current paradigm, coworking spaces give employees working from home the opportunity to use equipment typically associated with offices together with convenient locations to hold a meeting.

Now that employees have returned to the office, the benefits they enjoyed from remote working are gone. According to YouGov, 60% of employees in the UK want to continue remote working.  On the flip side, businesses benefit when they can bring teams together.

To compromise, a large number of businesses are switching to a hybrid model. Utilising coworking space to as satellite offices helps to make hybrid working even easier – and offer more benefits to both employers and employees.

Convenience and Flexibility

Coworking spaces give workers more flexibility to split their time between home and office. Stationing employees in satellite offices that are conveniently located closer to their home that your headquarters helps them to manage their time more efficiently.

Not only do satellite offices give your employees the flexibility to reach the office conveniently, it also makes it easier to just drop in from time to time. Maybe they need to use something in the office, like a photocopier, they were passing and wanted to say ‘hi’ or they spent the night in a different part of town (sleepovers) and will find it easier to work from an office that is closer  to where they wake up.

Help to Manage Work-Life Balance

Happy employees are productive employees. And now your team has experienced remote working, they recognise the value of spending more time with their families, avoid commuting and spending less money.

Research has shown that the average cost savings of working from home is £44.78 a week. Cost savings come from commuting less and not buying lunch every day. If employees live closer to the office they are working from commutes and fuel costs are lower.

This is particularly the case for employees in London. According to Totaljobs, 76% of employees said they will quit their jobs if getting to the office requires a long commute. Using coworking spaces as satellite offices could therefore save businesses the cost of replacing employees – which is estimated to cost an average £12,000 per employee – between 6-9 months of the employees salary.

Raise ESG Score

Enabling employees to commute less should also help to improve your company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) score. With ESG scores having such a significant impact on consumer purchasing decision – especially environmentally conscious individuals – boosting your score in the environment section could pay dividends.

Commuting less means employees will consume less fuel. A satellite office also gives you more potential to organise meetings in locations that are closer for attendees to reach.

BluDesks makes it easy for companies to take advantage coworking spaces by offering you a wide range of offices all over London – with one simple sign-up and login.

Coworking Space Meeting Rooms in London Provide A Hybrid Solution

Date: Mon May 23 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Coworking Space Meeting Rooms in London Provide A Hybrid Solution

For the past two years, the world has been in limbo. With inflation threatening to scupper business growth and survival for the foreseeable future, more businesses are switching to the hybrid model to cut down on costs.

PwC has called hybrid working an unprecedented  challenge no business leader has ever faced. There will, of course, be some challenges, but from where we’re standing, existing solutions will help to make the transition smoother.

Not all businesses agree the hybrid model is the best way forward. Banks executives have been particularly vociferous about how remote working disrupts collaboration and corporate culture.

On the other side of the fence, tech firms are embracing hybrid working because they have the tools and the strategy to make it work. For most businesses downsizing offices and taking advantage of spaces can help you navigate the uncertainty of an economic downturn.

Office Rental in London

The Bank of England has warned that increasing energy prices will slide the UK into a recession this year. If that is to be the case, London businesses are likely to be the hardest hit.

Renting office space in the capital is already phenomenally high. According to Oktra, costs range from £50-95 per sq. ft. Prices are already 7.5% higher than pre-pandemic levels and are forecast to continue rising.

With costs rising from multiple angles, businesses face a difficult period trying to grow. Others will simply be looking to survive. Adopting the hybrid model could prove to be the difference between business continuity and closure.

Releasing the overheads that come with office rentals will free up a significant amount of cash flow. Coworking spaces present a cost-effective alternative and provide you with appropriate space for your team to collaborate, hold meetings and build a company culture.

Book Meeting Rooms With BluDesks

Not all coworking spaces will work for all businesses. Most providers have limited options and bind you into long-term contracts. During this period of uncertainty, most companies will want flexibility and multiple choices that makes organising ad-hoc meetings and space for team members to get together convenient.

BluDesks provide solutions to these challenges. First of all, we list multiple coworking spaces across London. At the time of writing, we provide you access to 517 venues within the M25 alone. We also have multiple ad-hoc satellite offices in the commuter belt.

Moreover, you have access to all our coworking spaces, private offices and meeting rooms with a single login.

We also offer a flexible Pay-as-you-Go plan which means you have more control over your budget. Unlike other office space providers, with BluDesks, you won’t be paying for office space you are not using.

All you have to do is browse our website, choose an office location with a meeting room that is most convenient for you and book the amount of time you want it for. You can even cancel the booking without paying anything providing you let us know within 24 hours.

Sign up to BluDesks today and take advantage of our hybrid solutions.

4 Reasons Why Relocating Businesses Need Ad-Hoc Meeting Rooms

Date: Thu May 12 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Pivoting to the hybrid model seems to be the latest buzzword or business trend. But businesses that are renovating or relocating to new offices also face the challenges involved with remote working.

A distributed workforce during office renovations and relocations can be difficult to manage. Although the workplace is on hold, work is not. Managers and staff still need to hold meetings, engage in discussions, brainstorm and pep talks.

Hiring external meeting rooms on an ad-hoc basis can help you to move your business forward efficiently. It gives you valuable space to be creative, productive and inspired.

Moreover, with BluDesks pay-as-you-go model, renting meeting rooms is affordable, easy to manage and convenient. We also have flexible short-term offices which you can book as and when you need it, for one week, one month, three hours or three months. You choose when you need space and only pay for the time you book the space for.

Here are four reasons ad-hoc meeting rooms benefit a business that temporarily does not have access to office space.

Increase Productivity

2017 Stanford study confirmed that individuals are more productive when they work collectively. Even the perception of working as part of a team can improve performance levels.

Whilst technology can help bring a remote workforce together, individuals that are not accustomed to remote working need reminding they are part of a physical team.

Productivity can be enhanced when your team also know they have a limited window of time to reach a goal. Time-sensitive ad-hoc meeting rooms can help to supercharge productivity by increasing concentration levels whilst giving team members an ideal space to collaborate.

Meet With Clients and Partners

Coffee shops and restaurants are not always the best places to meet with clients to discuss serious business. Large firms trying to broker a deal with an important client or develop a project with a partner need a quiet space where you can hold a meeting in private.

Fully-Equipped Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms can be used for several different reasons. Maybe you need space to give a presentation or a training session. A team of collaborators may need a whiteboard or overhead projectors to help share their vision with other team members.

BluDesks have a wide selection of fully-equipped ad hoc meeting rooms to choose from. With co-working spaces all over the city, you have the option to choose meeting rooms of various sizes that have the equipment you require such as AV facilities, wide-screen TVs, a variety of plug sockets and Wi-Fi.

Saves Time 

The BluDesks model is designed for your convenience. We host a large number of co-working spaces on our website so that you can find the most suitable meeting room for your needs.

With a single login, you have access to ad hoc meeting rooms all over the city in which you live – and in multiple locations around the world. With this many meeting rooms at your fingertips, you won’t waste so much time skipping from one coworking space provider to the next.

To take advantage of the benefits are pay-as-you-go meeting rooms offer, sign up for a BluDesks Membership today.

Pivoting To A Hybrid Model? Here’s What You Need

Date: Tue May 3 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

As employees return to the office, many companies expect requests for more flexible work options. According to McKinsey, 68% of organisations do not have a plan or a vision for pivoting to a hybrid model.

On the one hand, employees want more flexibility and autonomy. On the other, they want to spend time around their work friends and collaborate in person with teammates.

Hybrid models ticks both boxes. However, the hybrid workplace complicates matters for personnel and office managers. Fortunately, there are existing solutions that make the transition to a hybrid model smoother.

The key is to encourage a culture that fosters the benefits of working from home with working in the office. Not everyone will want the same thing all of the time.

According to Gartner, companies need to accommodate four different work models.

  • Working together in collaborative teams in a shared space
  • Working apart as a member of a collaborative team
  • Working in a team but with an individual workload
  • Working remotely with an individual workload

The three solutions below facilitate all four working conditions.

Co-Working Spaces

A key benefit to a hybrid model is the capacity for businesses to reduce the amount of office space they need – and the overheads that come with it. For some companies, the potential cost savings of a hybrid model are huge.

However, you will probably still need a fully-working office to serve as a base and provide access to a variety of facilities employees need to perform their job to the best of their ability.

Whilst you could downsize and continue to rent a smaller office, co-working space is also an option. With BluDesks, you can rent office desks, private offices and meeting rooms by the hour.

A pay-as-you-go model typically turns out to be more cost-effective than renting office space and covering utility payments and maintenance costs.

BluDesks also gives you more options to find appropriate office space. With a single pass and login, we provide access to multiple co-working spaces that meet your needs and are in the most convenient locations.

Our business model is particularly useful for hiring meeting rooms. Let’s say, the meeting rooms in your office are fully booked, but there is a room free in an office around the corner.

There are also benefits for remote workers. Two colleagues that need to meet and live on the same side of town may find it more convenient to work together in a co-working space closer to their homes.

Cloud-Based Tools

Before the pandemic, cloud adoption was relatively slow. However, when world governments ordered lockdowns, cloud providers saw a 32% increase. Cloud computing was the only adoption and is an indispensable solution for companies that intend to pivot to a hybrid workplace.

The hybrid model relies on digital tools that can be accessed from remote locations and at the same time provide effective cybersecurity measures. Cloud-based tools are specifically designed to improve the interaction between co-workers in remote places.

Cloud-based tools facilitate collaboration through file-sharing, enhanced communication and more flexibility. Collaborative teams can work on the same document in real-time or separately.

Any changes that are made to co-working documents are highlighted with the editor’s name next to them. Everyone granted access to the document can make edits or comments on the document. Or you can set read-only options.

Communication tools foster instant messaging and virtual meetings. These channels are great for asking quick questions and even brainstorming.

If team members need a longer meeting that will be too intense for a video conference, they can either organise it when they’re all in the office or rent a meeting room for the afternoon in a co-working space that is most convenient for everybody.

Employees can also access a document stored in the cloud from anywhere and on any device. This gives your employees the option to work from anywhere and access cloud-based tools at convenient times. For example, catching up with emails during a commute.

Employees that prefer to be around people can also work in remote locations such as a coffee shop or hot desk in a co-working space.

Cybersecurity Plan

The move to remote working models has highlighted a need for effective cybersecurity measures to be put in place. Employees working from home are considered an easier target for hackers because home wi-fi networks, mobile phones and text messages are easier to penetrate.

Having said that, the threat of hackers can be dramatically minimised with the right cybersecurity plan. Whilst cloud tools and anti-malware programs give you some protection, additional layers of protection should be added.

The first place to start is to train your employees about cybersecurity risks. They should be aware of the various cybersecurity threats hackers use, how to identify phishing emails and how to avoid downloading infected documents.

Patch management should also be a priority. The software you use, at some point, will develop a security issue. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by hackers. This is why software companies consistently release software updates that include security patches.

Other gateways hackers look to exploit are home wi-fi networks and mobile devices. Digital technologies such as virtual desktops and mobile device management build a safety net around remote devices too.

IT experts claim that virtual desktops are the answer to the hybrid security conundrum. Because virtual desktops operate on cloud servers rather than on-premise servers, they provide higher levels of cybersecurity.

Crucially, virtual desktops mimic your business network without actually providing direct access to it. Therefore, if an employee’s device is hacked, malicious actors would not be able to access your live data anyway thus preventing a possible ransomware attack.

The actions an employee performs throughout a normal working day are saved on the cloud but not backed up to your network until someone authorises a backup.

In addition, remote monitoring tools help IT personnel identify potential threats and block potential gateways at the source. For example, if a phone location and registered device do not match authorised personnel, whoever is trying to access your network is shut out.