Can’t Find Meeting Rooms? We got you!

Date: Tue Sep 20 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Isn’t it annoying when you can’t find a meeting room? Or worse, you get kicked out without finishing your meeting because you could only book it for one hour when you needed two!

This is a common problem with many business entities today. Traditional offices simply do not have enough meeting rooms available to accommodate everyone that’s having a meeting.

And everyone’s having a meeting.

This issue is exacerbated now that businesses have downsized to smaller offices or moved into coworking spaces. A coworking space may give you access to more meeting rooms, but there are also more companies having meetings.

Having spoken with multiple CXO/Facility Managers looking into office closures and downsizing, there are genuine concerns that employees, managers and executives will not have access to rooms where they can conduct client, team and project meetings.

Fortunately, there are solutions.

Virtual Meetings

Companies that have adopted the hybrid working model or work remotely full-time, can take advantage of technology to hold virtual meetings. You don’t have to book a meeting room when all the participants are connecting from the comfort of their own homes.

Virtual meetings are also cost-effective and reduce your carbon footprint – and thus contribute to a healthier ESG rating. You can also record virtual meetings which can save time typing up the minutes of the meeting.

However, virtual meetings also have a downside. A common problem is that poor internet connections are disruptive. When the connection keeps breaking up, people miss what you’ve said and you have to repeat yourself. This prolongs the meeting and you’re tight on time as it is.

The much-talked-about “Zoom fatigue” is also a factor. Virtual meetings are not as productive as in-person meetings and remote workers often get ignored. Because you’re not all in the same room, the energy and dynamic are diluted.

Not only that, but researchers at Stanford University found that in-person meetings are more satisfying, psychologically and emotionally. Participants are also more focused and creative during face-to-face meetings. In virtual meetings, we zone out.

Access Multiple Meeting Rooms With BluDesks

Whilst virtual meetings are fine for short check-in meetings when you need to get into the nitty-gritty of a subject matter, in-person meetings are the best option.

If you can’t find a meeting room in your office building, look for vacant meeting rooms elsewhere. Ordinarily, that would be impossible, but with a BluDesks membership, you have a simple and effective solution at your fingertips.

BluDesks gives you access to multiple meeting rooms close to where you live. Meeting rooms are available at an hourly rate. There are no fixed fees or monthly subscription payments, and therefore, no risk of paying for space when you’re not using it (unless you cancel the meeting within less than 24 hours of your scheduled booking).

There are plentiful meeting rooms available through BluDesks. You will find appropriate meeting rooms in various sizes, fitted with multiple plug sockets, TV/audio equipment and refreshments available on request.

Can’t find a meeting room. Join BluDesks today and access multiple meeting rooms whenever you need one.

Are You Paying For 30 Days of Shared Office Space And Only Working 10?

Date: Mon Aug 1 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Coworking spaces have proven to be extremely advantageous in helping businesses to navigate the various stages of the pandemic. Enterprises switching to a hybrid model in the post-pandemic era will continue to reap the benefits.

However, spending money on coworking spaces is not all roses and champagne. The vast majority of shared office providers lock users into fixed-term contracts – which means you usually pay for space and amenities you’re not using.

Our data shows that most companies adopting the hybrid model spend, on average, about 10 days a month in the office. This figure is calculated from the number of hours users are physically present in the space they are paying for.

When you’re locked into a fixed-term contract you pay for 30 days a month no matter what. And coworking space contracts include broadband, various office facilities and any additional services you may have requested.

When you do the maths, it’s clear to see that businesses are overspending. In the current financial climate, throwing money at 20 days of nothing is a waste of resources you could put to better use.

Pay-As-You-Use Coworking Spaces

Today’s workers want flexibility and cost-effective solutions. For a company that has switched to hybrid working, pay-as-you-use coworking spaces tick all the boxes.

The pay-as-you-use coworking space model allows you to book office space and amenities by the hour. All you have to do is book the amount of time you want to spend in the office – and that’s all you pay for.

This high level of flexibility enables office managers to manage costs accurately. You can still accommodate staff members that are due in the office on any given day – but, crucially, you’re not overpaying for space.

Bludesks also takes flexibility one step further. We provide our users with a global pass which you can use to book office space anywhere in the world – with a single membership.

With BluDesks, you only ever need to log in and browse one website to get access to multiple private offices, hot desks and meeting rooms. This also means your employees can work in an office environment that is closer to their homes – which is better for their pocket and your ESG rating.

BluDesks Membership Pass

We don’t see the sense in forcing businesses and freelancers to pay for coworking space and amenities they are not using. It’s not fair on our clients – and you could use that money to help grow your business.

Our model is designed to make finding coworking office spaces, fast, convenient and easy. It also enables you to avoid paying for office space and amenities you’re not using.

The BluDesks personal membership and corporate membership passes give you instant access to thousands of coworking in one easy-to-use platform. You can book through our website or mobile app and pay as you go. It’s that simple.

Coworking Spaces: Convenient Solutions For Regional Sales Teams

Date: Mon Jun 6 Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

As the business world pivots to remote working en masse, corporations and other larger companies are taking advantage of the benefits offered by coworking spaces.

Businesses rent their main office but deploy regional sales teams that can also benefit from coworking spaces. With multiple offices and meeting rooms to rent all over the UK, remote sales reps have a convenient solution to support their productivity and professionalism.

Coworking spaces provide staff on go with office facilities and a working environment that enables them to focus. Sales personnel that come into the offices at BluDesks comment that it’s a far better option than the distractions of working in noisy coffee shops.

But coworking spaces at BluDesks offer sales teams much more than an office environment. We have a network of coworking spaces and meeting rooms all over the world – which you can access with a single Membership and log in.

Use Convenient Coworking Space as a Base

Research has shown that employees are more productive when they work in familiar surroundings. New places mean the brain is taking in more information which can affect cognitive function and concentration.

This means that when sales personnel working from a variety of coffee shops or in their car, their brain is working over time processing large volumes of data.

Flexible coworking spaces give regional sales staff the opportunity to have access to office space that is situated in a convenient location. Regularly using coworking space as base becomes a familiar work environment. It also gives sales reps the opportunity to build relationships with other regular coworking spaces users and expand their network of clients and influencers.

Cost-Effective Coworking Spaces

The BluDesks model goes one step further than the majority of conventional coworking spaces. Rather than tying you into fixed fees, daily, weekly or monthly, we charge by the hour.

This gives regional sales reps a cost-effective solution and the opportunity to be flexible. For example, if you are on the road from 11 am to 4 pm, you can book a hot desk or private office from 9.30 am to 10.30 and 4.30 until whenever in order to plan your day and get on top of your paperwork. You could even rent a desk for an hour between meetings.

We also give you access to thousands of meeting rooms all over the UK – so you can meet with clients in a professional environment that is convenient for everyone to reach.

Improve Talent Acquisition & Retention

Recruiters tell us that younger workers are more willing and more likely to commit to companies that provide flexibility, less commuting and a well-designed office.

BluDesks fulfil all three of these needs – although we can’t always promise the most impressive office designs. What we do promise, however, flexible and convenient solutions that enable sales teams to travel less – which means using less fuel and being more productive. Less commuting also helps to improve your ESG score.