
What Is Hot Desk and What Are the Benefits?
Author: Chelliah Nakeeran
Reimagining the traditional workspace Instead of committing to lengthy contracts that you are tied into for expensive office buildings, our hot desk rental gives you a cost effective and flexible alternative. Whether you are looking for a change of scenery, or a desk that is conveniently located, there will always be a hotdesk close by … Continue reading What Is Hot Desk and What Are the Benefits?
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How Much Does it Cost to Rent Coworking Space in London?
Author: Chelliah Nakeeran
Revolutionise your workspace! The way that we work is changing dramatically, with the majority of people having to work from home in the last year, there has been little to no need for rented office spaces. With everyone allowed back to work soon, more and more people are looking at coworking spaces, where people from … Continue reading How Much Does it Cost to Rent Coworking Space in London?
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Hybrid to ‘Tribrid’ Flexible Working – What Does it Mean?
Author: Chelliah Nakeeran
There’s been a lot of talk and speculation lately about what our new normal in terms of working will look like, as we begin to come out of lockdown and employees and employers alike consider what their wants and needs look like in a post-lockdown world. But what is a tribrid working model and how … Continue reading Hybrid to ‘Tribrid’ Flexible Working – What Does it Mean?
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Will Local Coworking See a New Era After Lockdown?
Author: Chelliah Nakeeran
Now on lockdown 3.0 in the UK, it’s true to say that by now, most people have settled in to the home working scenario, but although it has obvious benefits to workers, in terms of flexibility, there are many aspects that make working at home difficult for a wide range of workers. Flexible space operators … Continue reading Will Local Coworking See a New Era After Lockdown?
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